SMA-powered soft robots
Dynamic simulation of shape memory alloy-powered soft robots, for both on-land motion and underwater swimming.
Magnetic rods & robots
Magnetoelastic model for slender structures and the associated framework for the magnetic-powered soft robots.
Magnetic continuum robots
Real-time dynamic simulation and active control for magnetic continuum robot for robotic surgery.
Flagellar propulsion
Fluid-structure interaction model for a soft filament moving in a viscous fluid to mimic the bio-locomotion of bacterial flagella.
Bifurcation of elastic strips
Buckling, snapping, and bifurcation of an elastic strip subjected to different boundary conditions.
Foldable annular ribbons
Integration of in-plane kinks and out-of-plane creases to achieve a tunable folding in annular ribbons.
Mechanics of Gridshells
Nonlinear mechanics of multiple rod systems.
Space net capture system
Numerical simulation of a space net capture system.
Axisymmetric shell
Numerical modeling and nonlinear mechanics of axisymmetric shell structures.
3D shell
Isogeometric-based finite element analysis of 3D hyperelastic shells.
Complex bifurcation theory
Complex bifurcation behaviors and the tunable buckling in thin elastic structures.