Here we present some interesting videos for demonstrations.
Rolling motion of SMA-powered soft robots.
Swimming motion of SMA-powered soft robots.
Bilayer soft robot for gripping.
Bilayer soft robot for crawling.
Bilayer soft robot for crawling.
Bilayer soft robot for jumping.
Bilayer soft robot for swimming.
Capture of space debris using a tether-net system.
Soft continuum guidewire moving in a tube.
Magnetic beam.
Dancing net.
Handling cloth.
Cloth simulation.
Snap of an elastic gridshell.
The crawling motion of a cilia robot.
The rolling motion of a cilia robot.
Jumping behavior of a bi-stable shell actuator.
Inflation of an axisymmetric torus。
Shear-induced bifurcation of an elastic plate.
Elastic-plastic rod.
Form-finding of a hollow gridshell by using buckling instability.
Snap of a pre-stressed elastic gridshell.
A rigid ring sliding on an elastic rod.
Folding of an annular ribbon.
Multistability of an origami annulus.
Symmetric and asymmetric bifurcations of serpentine strips.
The rotational-induced snap-through of an elastic strip.
Symmetric and asymmetric snap-through
Minimum surface by an elastic curve.
The rotational-induced flip of an elastic strip.
Contact between two rods.
Rod deployment with a prescribed pattern.
Inverse design of a planar beam with a target configuration.
Snap-induced jumping robot.
The pressurized membrane as a soft actuator.
Hysteresis of a helical magnetic rod.
Directional control of bacteria flagellar propulsion.
Bundling behavior of two helical rods rotating in a viscous environment.